Feature Article

Get the Guide to Restart Right

Precautions for restarting and restoring operations

Ready to restart? Take these steps for a smooth reentry. 

Unprecedented events call for expert advice. During these challenging times, FM Global is making its pandemic-related client resources available to the public to help all businesses successfully emerge from the COVID-19 crisis.

As countries/regions around the world begin to ease restrictions and allow the first steps toward restarting the economy and industrial activity, make sure you’re prepared. Restarting and restoring idle facilities entails a host of considerations for you and your team. Make sure you’re aware of them and know what must be done to help ensure a smooth and productive return.

Even in normal times, the safe and efficient start-up of industrial processes can pose significant property risk challenges. Doing so under the current conditions, you may be faced with additional challenges, including shortages of experienced staff, continuing social-distancing requirements, reduced access to specialized support from contractors and original equipment manufacturers, much longer lead times for spare parts or equipment, and under-maintained equipment that may have deteriorated while idle.

FM Global’s property loss prevention engineers have designed a guide, Precautions for Restarting and Restoring Operations, to provide you with guidance on how to approach the restart of your operations to help ensure it is accomplished as smoothly and as safely as possible. 

The guide includes steps to take to help you:

  • Develop an overall strategy/plan
  • Evaluate restarting processes and equipment
  • Manage human element programs
  • Evaluate the site and building
  • Manage temporary construction and processes
  • Evaluate cyber hazards
  • Verify fire protection systems are in service
  • Evaluate natural hazard preparedness
  • Capture lessons learned

Download Precautions for Restarting and Restoring Operations

FM Global and AFM clients should seek additional support from their account engineer or local FM Global loss prevention engineer.

Related content: 

Watch the “Restarting processes and equipment” Learning Chat: Learn about the challenges of restarting operations after the pandemic and gain some advice for returning to normal operations safely.

Visit the FM Global COVID-19 Update page

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